"Zen Plus understands the importance of timely medical assistance. We are a multidisciplinary team with a range of physicians, nurses & paramedics equipped with state-of-the-art ambulances & medical infrastructure. Our services for corporates focus on providing immediate and effective care to all their stakeholders in case of critical situations and other medical concerns."
Onsite Ambulance | Medical Rooms | Events | Corporate Health Checkups | Workplace Wellness
On-site Medical Rooms services by Ziqitza Gulf Medical Response and Ambulance Services are a great way to control the overall organization's healthcare costs in Dubai. These Medical Rooms provide preventive care and treatment to employees at their place of employment, thus increasing their attendance at work. On-site medical rooms are particularly beneficial for decreasing the number of off-site, health-related, patient care visits and increasing medical team’s productivity
Benefits of the on-site medical room Reduced Health Care Costs: With quality health care available at the workplace, injured and sick employees can get immediate medical care for non-emergency conditions, for a fraction of the price of an emergency room. Increased Productivity: Even if an employee’s medical visit only lasts 15 minutes, that’s a small fraction of the time it takes to travel to a health care provider and wait. When this is pretermitted, it increases employees' focus and productivity at the workplace. Increasing preventive care: Management of chronic conditions, including assessment of compliance with medication so as to prevent any complications
+Success stories
+Working hours speed
+Working Award
We offer a range of integrated medical services including: